List all Key Storage Providers (CNG) in windows programatically in c#

For legacy cryptographic providers it is quite easy with:

CCspInformations cspInformations = new ();

For CNG we need to do it with pinvoke like this:

public struct NCryptProviderName
    public IntPtr pszName;
    public IntPtr pszComment;
    public string Name()
    	return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pszName);
    public string Comment()
    	return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pszComment);


public extern static int NCryptEnumStorageProviders(ref int pdwProviderCount, out IntPtr ppProviderList, int dwFlags);
public static extern int NCryptFreeBuffer(IntPtr pvInput);


public string[] ListKeyStorageProviders()
    int pdwProviderCount = 0;
    int res = NCryptEnumStorageProviders(ref pdwProviderCount, out IntPtr ppProviderList, 0);
    if (res != 0)
    	return Array.Empty<string>();
    List<string> kspList = new ();
    IntPtr ppProviderListIdx = ppProviderList;
    for (int i = 0; i < pdwProviderCount; i++)
    	NCryptProviderName ncryptProviderName = Marshal.PtrToStructure<NCryptProviderName>(ppProviderListIdx);
        ppProviderListIdx = IntPtr.Add(ppProviderListIdx, Marshal.SizeOf<NCryptProviderName>());
    if (pdwProviderCount == 0)
    	return Array.Empty<string>();
    return kspList.ToArray();

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