Windows Community Toolkit with .NET Framework and source generators


The new version of Windows Community Toolkit (8) offers various improvements over the previous versions in terms of reducing dramatically the size of the boilerplate code

E.g. instead of writing

private bool _IsReady;
public bool IsReady 
	get => _IsReady;
    set {
    	SetProperty(ref _IsReady, value);

We can replace it with this:

private bool _IsReady;

With .NET framework the source generator does not work unless we manually add it to the .cproj file

After installing CommunityToolkit.MVVM package, edit the .cproj file and add this:

	<Analyzer Include="packages\CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.8.0.0\analyzers\dotnet\roslyn4.0\cs\CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.SourceGenerators.dll"/>

This will add the analyzer that generates the code on the fly

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