Convert string to barcode 128 encoding

Barcode Code 128 encoding is used to encode alphanumeric charachters, it is a high density and compact encoding

using System;
public class Program
	public static string StringToBarcode(string value)
            // Parameters : a string
            // Return     : a string which give the bar code when it is dispayed with CODE128.TTF font
            //           : an empty string if the supplied parameter is no good
            int charPos, minCharPos;
            int currentChar, checksum;
            bool isTableB = true, isValid = true;
            string returnValue = string.Empty;

            if (value.Length > 0)

                // Check for valid characters
                for (int charCount = 0; charCount < value.Length; charCount++)
                    //currentChar = char.GetNumericValue(value, charPos);
                    currentChar = (int)char.Parse(value.Substring(charCount, 1));
                    if (!(currentChar >= 32 && currentChar <= 126))
                        isValid = false;

                // Barcode is full of ascii characters, we can now process it
                if (isValid)
                    charPos = 0;
                    while (charPos < value.Length)
                        if (isTableB)
                            // See if interesting to switch to table C
                            // yes for 4 digits at start or end, else if 6 digits
                            if (charPos == 0 || charPos + 4 == value.Length)
                                minCharPos = 4;
                                minCharPos = 6;

                            minCharPos = IsNumber(value, charPos, minCharPos);

                            if (minCharPos < 0)
                                // Choice table C
                                if (charPos == 0)
                                    // Starting with table C
                                    returnValue = ((char)205).ToString(); // char.ConvertFromUtf32(205);
                                    // Switch to table C
                                    returnValue = returnValue + ((char)199).ToString();
                                isTableB = false;
                                if (charPos == 0)
                                    // Starting with table B
                                    returnValue = ((char)204).ToString(); // char.ConvertFromUtf32(204);


                        if (!isTableB)
                            // We are on table C, try to process 2 digits
                            minCharPos = 2;
                            minCharPos = IsNumber(value, charPos, minCharPos);
                            if (minCharPos < 0) // OK for 2 digits, process it
                                currentChar = int.Parse(value.Substring(charPos, 2));
                                currentChar = currentChar < 95 ? currentChar + 32 : currentChar + 100;
                                returnValue = returnValue + ((char)currentChar).ToString();
                                charPos += 2;
                                // We haven't 2 digits, switch to table B
                                returnValue = returnValue + ((char)200).ToString();
                                isTableB = true;
                        if (isTableB)
                            // Process 1 digit with table B
                            returnValue = returnValue + value.Substring(charPos, 1);

                    // Calculation of the checksum
                    checksum = 0;
                    for (int loop = 0; loop < returnValue.Length; loop++)
                        currentChar = (int)char.Parse(returnValue.Substring(loop, 1));
                        currentChar = currentChar < 127 ? currentChar - 32 : currentChar - 100;
                        if (loop == 0)
                            checksum = currentChar;
                            checksum = (checksum + (loop * currentChar)) % 103;

                    // Calculation of the checksum ASCII code
                    checksum = checksum < 95 ? checksum + 32 : checksum + 100;
                    // Add the checksum and the STOP
                    returnValue = returnValue +
                        ((char)checksum).ToString() +

            return returnValue;
	private static int IsNumber(string InputValue, int CharPos, int MinCharPos)
            // if the MinCharPos characters from CharPos are numeric, then MinCharPos = -1
            if (CharPos + MinCharPos < InputValue.Length)
                while (MinCharPos >= 0)
                    if ((int)char.Parse(InputValue.Substring(CharPos + MinCharPos, 1)) < 48
                        || (int)char.Parse(InputValue.Substring(CharPos + MinCharPos, 1)) > 57)
            return MinCharPos;
	public static void Main()

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