Adding new attributes to Active Directory schema

Open command line on the DC, then register the following DLL:

regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll

Open mmc and add the schema editor snap-in

Right click on "Attributes" and choose "Create Attribute...".
If this option is greyed out, make sure the user is a member of the "Schema Admins" group and that this DC is the FSMO, which should be a single in the forest.

Set the values:
* Common Name is the name of the object
* LDAP Display Name is the name by which the object is searched programmatically.
* Unique X500 Object ID - each object in AD should have a unique oid, generate it with the following PowerShell script:


Choose the syntax, for instance a unicode string and specify the range where appropriate.

Right click on the object you would like to extend and select properties:

Add desired attributes to the object.

You may have to logout and login again in order to see the updates in the schema.

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