Showing toasts with react

React JS

We want a simple way to display toasts in a specific position on the app for notifications from various components. For the simplicity we will display only one toast at a time. With react it is better to use the react-bootstrap library

The code below creates a context that will pass a toast update method to all child components of the app.

import { useState } from "react";
import { createContext } from "react";
import { Toast, ToastBody, ToastContainer } from "react-bootstrap";

export const ToastsContext = createContext();

const Toasts = ({children}) => {

    const [toastData, setToastData] = useState({ variant: '', text: ''});

    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

    function setToast(variant, text) {
        setToastData({variant, text});

    return (
        <ToastsContext.Provider value={setToast}>
            <ToastContainer position="top-end">
                <Toast bg={toastData.variant} className="mt-1 me-1" delay={3000} autohide show={show} onClose={() => setShow(false)}>
                    <ToastBody className="text-white">

export default Toasts;

Now, we need to create a custom hook that can be consumed by the child components in order to show the toast

import { useContext } from "react";
import { ToastsContext } from "./toasts";

function useToast() {
    const setToast = useContext(ToastsContext);

    function showSuccess(text) {
        setToast('success', text);

    function showError(text) {
        setToast('danger', text);

    return [showSuccess, showError];

export default useToast;

The actual call for a toast is as following:

const [showSuccess, showError] = useToast();
showSuccess('Saved successfully');
showError('Internal error');

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