.NET SDK tools


After installing visual studio, check this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\

Here is a list of some useful .NET SDK tools:

svcutil.exe - to generate the proxy to a SOAP web service.

e.g. svcutil.exe http://yourserver/test.svc?singleWsdl

SvcTraceViewer.exe - to view the logs generated by the trace configuration

CorFlags.exe  - to change .NET exe to running in 32 bit or 64

FUSLOGVW.exe - to track assembly binding errors

sn.exe - generate keys and sign a .NET assembly

gacutil.exe - install a signed assembly in the GAC

SvcConfigEditor.exe - edit WCF configuration

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